Sunday, January 20, 2013

Game Changers: The following

Game Changers: The following

The Game Changers story has had more impact and views than all of my other posts combined! This is so exciting for me and the feedback has been unbelievable. My goal was to help at least one person get through a difficult situation with the stories, but close to 1,000 people have read Game Changers, many of whom have contacted me to tell me how much the story helped them, or how much it meant to them to tackle the issue. I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the feedback from some high school girls and others who saw the story.

"I just read your blog about bullying, and I think it was amazing. I can't even begin to explain how powerful it was to me. I loved it! Thought I should tell you that because it's not often that I read anything so overwhelmingly true and beautiful."

"I just read your blog post about being a game-changer and bullying. YOU are AWESOME."

"OMG!!! I LOVE THIS! Thanks for supporting! <3"

"The blog's beautiful, and it was amazing to read.<3"

Below are three 'sets' that were made on the Polyvore website, and were each inspired by the Game Changers story on the Little Sherlock, and have collectively gotten over 250 views already! Check out how great they look! 

GAME CHANGER set created by Meg Dowd
Game Changer.

This set is inspired by The latest anti-bullying campaign is really inspiring. Check it out! 
OUR DEEPEST FEAR: by Stagelove35
 Our Deepest Fear.

I made this set to symbolize someone who breaks free of bullying. Again I am going to tell you to check out this anti-bullying campaign.
Dont be afraid to let your light shine.

GAME CHANGERS: by Stagelove35

Game Changers
 "Brave girl, a MUST read!"

"Great Story, Grace. I love the honesty of all the stories and how different each and every person is. So true to themselves and proud of it. <3 Be a game changer!"

"A beautifully scripted and heartfelt blog on bullying!  If you are an educator of any kind or have a venue to share this, please do..."

I am going to continue on very soon with more stories featuring tattoos, make-up, crazy hair styles, and of course more clothes. However this story will never be finished. I am going to continue to work on getting posters into schools and to share this with as many people as possible. Game Changers has already reached people in Italy, Germany, the UK, Vietnam, Sweden, Canada, and Switzerland, but it doesn't stop there. Please continue to share this if it reaches you in any kind of way. "All it takes is 20 seconds of insane courage..." 

xoxo the Little Sherlock

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